Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Seen It, Heard It, Read It

Seen It

Private Lives of Pippa Lee
This was a movie that Heather had added to our Netflix. It's definitely a chick flick. It's a story of a middle aged woman and her older husband who recently moved into a retirement community. She reflects back on her life and how to got to where she is now. I'm glad Heather suggested it!

This movie has been on my list FOREVER! I finally got it from the library on Friday. I knew it was some kind of documentary about social media, but I really had NO IDEA. It's a must-see! I don't want to give anything away but to summarize, as one review said, "Catfish is a riveting story of love, deception and grace within a labyrinth of online intrigue."

The Virgin Suicides
Heather and I had a relaxing weekend and watched a bunch of movies on our Netflix instant queue and this happened to be one of them. It's beautiful and understated, and ultimately heartbreaking as the title suggests.

Ramen Girl
I love this story. It's about a girl abandoned by her boyfriend in Tokyo and ends up finding her calling in a ramen house.

The King’s Speech
I finally got around to watching this last week. I had been disappointed that The Social Network hadn't won the Oscar for Best Picture, but after seeing this I understand why it won. It was inspirational!

Heard It

The Voice
Technically this could fit under "Seen It" but I think it fits here too. Does anyone else love this as much as I do? Move over American Idol! I love that it doesn't bother with the bad, crazy and embarrassing singers. There's some great singers on the show and I can't wait to see what they do. Side note: I was happy and surprised to see Dia from Meg and Dia on last week's episode.

Andrew Belle: The Ladder
You might have seen some of my previous blog posts about Andrew HERE and HERE. I love his music!

The Honeytrees: Cover of Moonriver

Heather shared this with me yesterday. I'm so lucky to have an awesome sister! Aren't they amazing? This video is absolutely gorgeous!

Jaymee Dee: Cover of ET by Katy Perry

I must admit that I've been following Jaymee Dee on twitter for at least a month [if not longer], but didn't listen to any of her music until yesterday. I'm a horrible person. Brian Wurzell posted this video on his facebook and I was compelled to watch it. If you have a chance you must check out more of her videos on Youtube!

Read It

Kardashian Konfidential
I saw this on the shelf when I was walking through the library the other day. I didn't read it cover to cover, but I did skim through it and enjoyed looking at the pictures. They had some fun stories about growing up and life in the spotlight, beauty and style secrets, wisdom from their late father and lessons learn from their mom about life and business.

Remember by Karen Kingsbury
In my last Seen It, Heard It, Read It post [see here] I mentioned I read the first book in this series. I read the next three books in the series, which are all amazing. I'm waiting for the last one at the library, but right now someone else has it checked out.

Return by Karen Kingsbury

Rejoice by Karen Kingsbury

Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury
While I was waiting for the other book at the library I read this one. It's an amazing story about making amends, forgiveness and redemption. Karen Kingsbury's Life-Changing Fiction trademark is serious business.

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