Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

fetus at 12 weeks

fetus at 12 weeks. model: 3D 12 weeks old human
  • model: 3D 12 weeks old human

  • Proud Liberal
    Sep 12, 10:33 AM
    ...I know the media invite says "It's Showtime" and we know what the connotation is for that. But I find it interesting that the theater where the event is being held is done up with huge silhouette iPod ads, which doesn't really fit the "It's Showtime" theme, unless the new true video iPod is also going to be announced in conjunction with the movie download service. :confused: :confused: :confused:

    fetus at 12 weeks. 30 weeks gestation
  • 30 weeks gestation

  • leekohler
    May 5, 01:40 PM
    "There is nothing wrong with a doctor talking to anyone about guns, as they can be a risk to health."

    True, if at the bar in the country club among friends, or at a session of shooting skeet. I've taught a couple of doctors about guns, and freely admit to knowing them. Doctors can be okay people, although some are socially unacceptable IMO.

    But otherwise it's exactly like asking someone how much money they have in the bank. You don't ask a farmer how many acres he owns--which is the same thing. Nor ask a rancher how many head of cattle he runs. Rude, discourteous and just plain ignorant.

    Rude, discourteous and just plain ignorant is assaying pretty high-grade in today's society--but it's still stupidity at its finest.

    A doctor has no way of knowing the circumstances of somebody's homelife--and since there are tens of millions of homes I submit that there is no "One size fits all" to allow some outsider's judgement. He is no expert on firearms use or safety, absent being a "gunny" himself.

    It's nobody's business how much of what that I own or how much money I have. Ah, well, nothing's really new among idiots. Hank Williams sang about it over sixty years ago: "If you mind your own business, then you won't be minding mine; if you mind your own business you'll stay busy all the time."

    That would be neat, rat- if any of the examples you gave were health hazards. They aren't. Guns can be. And your health is your doctor's business. My doctor asks me about all kinds of things I do and activities I engage in to give me advice regarding them. Health is your doctor's business.

    Sorry, but that doesn't make sense to me Lee.

    Fewer guns would mean fewer guns for everybody.

    Come to Chicago and see just what "fewer guns" has done for us. We've had a gun ban in place for a very long time- not working out so well.

    fetus at 12 weeks. fetus at 6 weeks.
  • fetus at 6 weeks.

  • petrucci666
    May 3, 03:39 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Love using tetherme cracked on iphone 4 to use personal hotspot with my unlimited data. :)

    Yeah, until you get a text saying that you have been upgraded to the capped tethering plan without agreeing to it.

    I have unltd data, a jailbroken phone and Tetherme and believe me, I'm ready to fire this puppy up any second to use with my iPad but I'm holding back from doing so because I don't want to be forced into the capped tethering plan which is more expensive and less efficient than what I have now. Carriers suck, period.

    fetus at 12 weeks. Fetal development - 12 weeks
  • Fetal development - 12 weeks

  • yg17
    Apr 21, 12:26 PM
    Sorry, this idea is horrible. People are going to downrate posts because they disagree with someone's opinion, not because it's a bad post.

    I can easily see the fanboys downrating anyone who mentions Microsoft, Android or any of Apple's competitors in a positive light.

    fetus at 12 weeks. measurement at 12 weeks 6
  • measurement at 12 weeks 6

  • gugy
    Oct 17, 05:27 PM
    this whole war just upsets me.
    I would love to have a disc that I could back up 100gig of data at a reasonable price ($10/$15 disc) and not to worry about which to choose. Blu-ray or HD-DVD.
    Meanwhile I'll keep buying my 300gb drives at Fry's for less than $80 and use it for back-up and storage.
    I hope the hybrid players and hopefully recorders will stop this crap.

    fetus at 12 weeks. of a fetus at 12 weeks
  • of a fetus at 12 weeks

  • snickelfritz
    Jan 11, 08:31 AM
    New displays with integrated cams.
    iPhone/iPodTouch that also functions as a Bluetooth Multitouch Mouse.
    Leopard update.
    30" iMac.
    At least one new application.

    fetus at 12 weeks. Abortion facts: Fetus, eight
  • Abortion facts: Fetus, eight

  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 3, 08:14 PM
    So I got a call from the investigator in charge of my case earlier tonight. They had done a lot of background work on the house I had suspected. A lot of pawn shops in the area had the house down for a bunch of random video games, DVDs and jewlrey. This gave the cops enough info combined with my info to get a warrant.

    They went to the house and a lady answered the door. She was more than willing to let the police in to search the place. After searching, they came up with nothing. Not even a single game, controller, anything. The house is a rental house. The guy with the pawn record had moved out two months ago. His lease was up December 31st and this new lady had moved in during January.

    This basically leaves the police back at square one. There are no leads, no other suspect houses in the neighborhood. Except for Microsoft.

    Basically, all Microsoft has to do is give them the IP address that my XBox is using and the police have the ability to do the rest. They can contact the ISP and track down where they are connecting to the internet.

    Microsoft, however, will not do this. I have called them numerous times as have the police. Microsoft claims they have no way to track an IP address when you sign on to XBox Live. As any of you know, this is total BS. It is so simple to track an IP address, especially when you sign on to any service requiring a password and screen name.

    My question now turns to this: how do I get Microsoft to give up this information?? The cops are not able to get any info, Microsoft is giving me a run-around. I'm open to any ideas, if anyone knows a phone number for someone higher up the food chain at Microsoft, that would be great. I'm just really pissed off that someone is still using my 360 and Microsoft won't do anything to help.

    fetus at 12 weeks. fetus at 12 weeks.
  • fetus at 12 weeks.

  • nebulos
    May 3, 10:41 PM
    I'll buy one when it gets a capacitive pressure based screen/stylus (Like the HTC Flyer)

    IMO, until the ipad gets this, which is entirely possible, it will remain more of a toy than a tool, and all these commercials will be nothing but fodder for the haters.

    there's nothing wrong with toys, and this is a nice one, but these lines about doctors, CEOs, etc., are just plain ridiculous.

    fetus at 12 weeks. Preborn child 10-12 weeks in
  • Preborn child 10-12 weeks in

  • milo
    Sep 12, 07:33 AM
    Can we please burn them so we can watch films on normal DVD players!

    Not gonna happen. Apple will let you watch in the living room, it will just be via wireless streaming.

    fetus at 12 weeks. Twins at 12 Weeks
  • Twins at 12 Weeks

  • Eidorian
    Sep 25, 11:20 AM
    The reasons people HATE this new version so much:

    1. It adds a lot of features and answers requests.

    2. It's a free update.

    3. This is a photography event, and people were caught off guard when Apple showed their photography product, despite the Aperture image right on the invitation.

    4. Apple never releases hardware on Tuesdays, so there is no hope for any MacBook Pro updates tomorrow.

    5. There will never be another chance for new MacBook Pros. We now know that the current models will be sold forever and ever, even after Apple goes out of business, which will happen by the end of the year.

    :pWhy it's obvious why people hate this update so much. In fact I'm almost tempted to get Aperture to manage my photos (Academic discount, 3,000 images, 500 photos <3)

    Now I just wish my earlier comments were still here. Tomorrow is Tuesday.

    fetus at 12 weeks. fetus 12 weeks. HP:10381
  • fetus 12 weeks. HP:10381

  • The Phazer
    Apr 16, 04:32 AM
    I want My next iPhone to look like this,


    Plus a flash and that would look great to me.

    It's worth noting that a metal case is the sort of thing that can be worked around, and indeed even used with *very* good antenna design. But Apple have never been very good at antenna design previously, so it would be unusual for them to start now - they patently haven't figured it out with the iPad. But a plastic section would be absolutely fine by me.

    But yes, these are clearly fake, despite some complete perspective fail from people saying the same in this thread...


    fetus at 12 weeks. Fetus 10 - 12 weeks. CR 3.6cm.
  • Fetus 10 - 12 weeks. CR 3.6cm.

  • InuNacho
    Mar 24, 06:59 PM
    While I am glad you're 10 years old OS X, I'm also a bit sad that you abandoned your big brother OS 9 at that truck stop bathroom out in Kansas. No need to be too sad though, I'm sure he's up there in that big computer lab in the sky looking down with that big happy face he always had.

    fetus at 12 weeks. Human Fetus at 10 Weeks
  • Human Fetus at 10 Weeks

  • DoFoT9
    Jul 17, 01:27 AM
    ^^ no thanks nicole. we are right :)

    fetus at 12 weeks. At 3.5 weeks the fetus:
  • At 3.5 weeks the fetus:

  • snowmoon
    Oct 6, 01:26 PM
    The ad is just comparing 3G to 3G, so 1x/EDGE doesn't count.

    There are 2 gaping holes in this commercial. Looking at the map I'm positive Verizon is counting 1xRTT in their footprint, just like they have stopped giving a breakdown on their coverage map by calling all data access "Broadband". They are also using some weird algorithm for their map as looking at even basic phone coverage 50% or more of upstate NY should be white. Not because Verizon's got a bad network, but because it's wilderness and farm country.

    Unfortunately none of the YouTube videos clearly show the weaselease at the end of the commercial that I'm sure will show how they have manipulated this map.

    fetus at 12 weeks. At 12 weeks of gestation,
  • At 12 weeks of gestation,

  • NDA74
    Jan 12, 07:14 PM
    Credentialed people are held to a higher standard. They are trusted to cover the event, not affect the outcome of it. Any blogger or press member should be embarrassed by this kind of behavior. As a writer and an event planner, I'm pissed in every way imaginable.

    Agreed. People have argued that bloggers should not be credentialed for trade shows and sporting events because they might disrupt the event. Gizmodo's stunt adds credibility to those arguments.

    I used to read Gizmodo regularly, but I deleted the RSS feed from NetNewsWire Friday.

    fetus at 12 weeks. 18 Weeks. February 12, 2007
  • 18 Weeks. February 12, 2007

  • freeny
    Oct 11, 08:09 AM
    And the saga continues....
    Apples new codec reading giving the ipod twice the play time on a battery charge does give a little backing to the story....

    just release the damn thing already.

    fetus at 12 weeks. 14 weeks/12 weeks fetal age
  • 14 weeks/12 weeks fetal age

  • T-Will
    Apr 5, 04:32 PM


    fetus at 12 weeks. Picture Fetus Womb 12 Weeks
  • Picture Fetus Womb 12 Weeks

  • xPismo
    Oct 28, 04:58 PM
    Apple will need to open up osX to generic PC's but i can understand they'll want to wait until the Mac growth is stalling. Maybe at about 10% marketshare ?

    Remember the years of the clones? Apple is a whole widget company. They will not suceede by emulating M$ and selling software to other peoples hardware. Ever.

    fetus at 12 weeks. Diagram of Fetus at 12 Weeks
  • Diagram of Fetus at 12 Weeks

  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 19, 03:26 PM
    The most likely scenario is somewhere in the middle... Vista will get mixed reviews, but will be viewed a a very significant improvement over XP, and Leopard will be a significant improvement over Tiger, but will only have a few features that Vista lacks, and some of the upgraders-in-waiting will take the plunge, but the more conservative will stick with the devil-they-know. As a result, the number of OS X installs will continue to grow, but it won't break the crucial 10% market share that makes it a 'mainstream' OS.

    FWIW, the Mac was considered marginal by its critics even when the Mac's market share was close to 15%, so I would not bank on it being suddenly declared "mainstream." Growth is important if only because it suggests the sustainability of the platform to those who might otherwise doubt it, but I don't think there's any magic number that can be expected to shift the perception of the Mac in the minds of the public.

    My sense is that the current growth in market share is in large part the iPod halo effect finally happening. People are walking into Apple stores to buy iPods. They carry that Apple logo around their pockets for awhile, and gradually come to the realization that Apple is cool. Apple is really cool now, and this counts for a lot. This is one reason I think Vista won't matter much to Apple, if only because no matter what Microsoft does, no matter how hard they try, and no matter how many features they deliver with Vista, Microsoft will never, ever be cool. In fact, their entire image is the antithesis of cool. It's an image they've cultivated -- like IBM before them: dull, but always there. You don't change that with one OS release. I don't think even Xbox did that for them.

    This is Apple's moment. They're looking at a string of green lights right down the road. It sure will be interesting to see how far they go.

    Apr 5, 04:16 PM
    Maybe I'm being harsh, maybe what the world really needs is a 3 hour Zoomba infomercial app. Or an app extolling the benefits of the snuggie. And the excuse 'hey dude, I work in advertising' is not a good reason to criticise people who see this app for what it is, a pile of ****. If you work in advertising, the best thing you could do is make a note of the fact that everyone who DOESN'T work in advertising thinks this is a pile of **** and modify your advertising strategy accordingly.

    It's like people at burger king reacting to the fact that everyone hates burger king by saying 'these burgers are useful to me, because I work at burger king'

    Aug 10, 03:32 PM
    Thanks stoid, Just trying to determine when the specs actually changed,
    RATHER than when Apple decided to announced the changes.
    Must have been before August 7 2006 when they were "updated".

    It looks terrific, no problems so far.
    Just want to be sure I have the "latest and greatest" right?

    I ordered mine on Monday and got it yesterday (ground shipping!). I just got off the phone with tech support (customer service had no clue about the change in specs). He actually had no clue either. He'd never heard of any color or pink cast problems, surprise surprise, and said that that kind of thing is just a matter of opinion. I said that bumping brightness to 400 cd/m2 (up from 270 cd/m2) and contrast ration to 700:1 (up from 400:1) isn't a matter of opinion, so they should have some way of confirming that I received what I paid for.

    In any event, he did tell me that mine was manufactured in June (sn 2A6221XXXXX). I would hope and assume that this means it's the newer LCD. It looked great from my powerbook, and I'm looking forward to checking it out with my new Mac Pro when it arrives tomorrow.


    Oct 6, 07:55 AM
    How so. Please elaborate?

    The decryption keys are everywhere and not top secret. Each iPod and iTunes has access to them. If you can get your hands on them you have something like hymn or FairKeys. Where does one get the encryption key?

    EDIT: BTW I'm quite serious, if I got it wrong please help me understand where you're coming from.


    No, you are WAAAAY off base.

    The encryption key is public, the decryption key is private. The decryption key used in iTunes is hidden away to the very best of Apple's ability from the eyes of prying hackers. (at least, one assumes so - it's illegal for me to even try and confirm that.... thanks DCMA)

    If I want to exchange confidential information with someone, I am going to need their public key. They can send this to me unencrypted (normally as part of a "certificate" to prove who they are at the same time...). I then use this key to encrypt the secret message, and send the encrypted message to them. They in turn can decrypt this message by using their private key....

    Normally, the messages exchanged in this manner are actually symmetric keys (keys that can be used for encrypting and decypting a message). This is certainly the case for iTunes, which uses AES, a symmetric encryption system to encode it's media files.

    Contrary to what you seem to think, the keys in iTunes are not freely available. Both the private assymetric key, used to communicate with the server (to obtain the symmetric keys) and all of the symmetric keys, used to decrypt the actual media files, are hidden inside iTunes. Try looking for them on your harddrive, I promise you that you won't find them (unless you are an expert pirate with a few months of your time where you have nothing better to do....)

    BTW, that article that you linked earlier about FairPlay has internal consistency problems. If what it says about retrieving keys from the Apple Store is correct, then what it says about VLC can NOT be correct. one or the other is wrong. My money is on the info about retreiving keys is wrong. I do this stuff for a living, and it's certainly NOT how I would do it....

    Apr 8, 02:59 PM
    As a former BBY employee I can tell you a few things that are flawed.

    #1 no former or current Best Buy employee would call themselves BBemployee, BBYEmployee would seem more likely. I know its stupid but it is the culture of Best Buy to shorten it to BBY.

    #2 You would have no clue if Best Buy was in trouble. As a simple Blue Shirt or even a Black Shirt you would not have this information passed down to you.

    #3 Your rant show that you either hate Best Buy for personal reasons or possibly a former employee who has a huge vendetta against the company.

    #4 Your rant does nothing to support this discussion.
    Did you actually read it? I see nothing to support the use of "rant". But s/he did say "I don't really like Best Buy", so that's hardly news at this point.

    I will say that I didn't realize 17.4GB text files would actually post on the forum!

    Sep 12, 12:43 AM
    Any chance that in all this movie related presentation there is an MBP with Core 2 Duo and Blu-Ray burner? that would be one hot movie producing computer.

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