Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

backgrounds images for myspace

backgrounds images for myspace. vintage ackgrounds - 3994115
  • vintage ackgrounds - 3994115

  • adrian.oconnor
    Mar 24, 04:28 PM
    Just by chance (I didn't realize it was OS X's birthday today), last night I wrote a blog post: '10 reasons OS X is better than Windows' (http://www.adrianoconnor.net/2011/03/10-reasons-why-mac-os-x-is-better-than-windows/). The timing seems spookily appropriate.

    backgrounds images for myspace. /myspace/ackgrounds/space
  • /myspace/ackgrounds/space

  • SandynJosh
    Mar 28, 05:11 PM
    This is kind of rough. Shame it's heading this way.

    Think about it. If MS Office is too large to sell through the App Store, then Apple avoids the dubious situation where it needs to offer the award to Microsoft. :)

    backgrounds images for myspace. girly pink ackground
  • girly pink ackground

  • Multimedia
    Oct 4, 12:21 PM
    I'm afraid the new Intel Apple is going to be the same as the old PPC Apple.

    Apple, (in the past), always blamed slow implementation of new processors and long shipping wait times on low Motorola or IBM processor yields.

    Now Apple doesn't have the same excuse with Intel but I bet we don't see a Merom MBP or an Octo-MacPro until MacWorld SF or later.

    Anyone taking bets!I'm not betting. But I think the C2D MB & MBPs will come out before Thanksgiving November 23. I can see them holding out on the Dual Clovertown Mac Pro for dramatic purposes in the January 9 SteveNote. But they will be a full two months behind the shipping date if they do, which would confirm your fear which I can fully understand.

    Seems like they have not figured out how to turn on a dime or have make a conscious decision to not try and keep up with the latest ASAP and just poke along to the beat of their own weird drum. I feel a little bit hostage to their slow release pace. But perhaps we can't really understand what goes on behind the curtain and should cut them more slack. :)

    After all, they were spot on with the rapid release of the C2D iMacs a month ago. Maybe we're all being irrationally and prematurely impatient.

    backgrounds images for myspace. Backgrounds, myspace
  • Backgrounds, myspace

  • AmbitiousLemon
    Nov 16, 02:15 PM
    Any rumor published by DT deserves, at most, that special commemorative page with totally fake rumors that MR created some time ago...********!

    It is posted on page one because it is of particular interest to the community and was already spawning multiple threads here. Not all page 1 rumors as there due to legitimacy.

    So lets stop beating the dead horse of page 1 vs page 2 that we already requested no comments on.

    backgrounds images for myspace. billabong myspace backgrounds
  • billabong myspace backgrounds

  • Schmye Bubbula
    Mar 24, 07:36 PM
    Ten years, and TheWormyFruit� still hasn't FTFF (http://tinyurl.com/66wkbe3)!

    Don't be ridiculous.
    Ridiculous? I defy you to name one thing (http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews/2003/04/finder.ars) that Apple has fixed in the single-worst, most user-hostile app ever written for the Mac!

    backgrounds images for myspace. Myspace Backgrounds
  • Myspace Backgrounds

  • scu
    Oct 20, 09:58 AM
    Showoff ;)

    You're basically bragging that you have $100K in Apple stock. Nice!!!! :D Your faith is being rewarded handsomely...

    I do have a great deal of faith. My friends think I am nuts. Half the money is on margin and I am paying $420 a month in interest. Just a few months ago when it was down to $50 I had a margin call and I was in the hole $28K before having to dump 10K to cover the call. I did not mind since I did cash out last year with a nice 29K profit.

    Apple is a strong company with over $10 billion in cash and a growth rate unmatched in the industry. If I can hang in and keep it I will double my money in a little over a year.

    I did not want to show off but point out that we mac addicts are willing to put our money where our mouths are.

    backgrounds images for myspace. Twitter Backgrounds; MySpace
  • Twitter Backgrounds; MySpace

  • twoodcc
    Apr 25, 09:41 PM
    well i got a new motherboard and processor for my third i7 system. i also put in 4 GPUs in it as well. i have it running all 4 GPUs and a bigadv unit in a VM, but i'm not sure if the bigadv VM is working right. it didn't look quite right when i left, but i had to leave. i guess i'll find out in 3 days if it's working or not

    backgrounds images for myspace. Backgrounds, Myspace
  • Backgrounds, Myspace

  • twoodcc
    Aug 11, 09:59 PM
    fair call, added power, costs, fuss etcetc. not worth it i guess

    i think it might be worth it on some systems, but not this one. this one has had a rough life

    backgrounds images for myspace. of the zebra myspace purple
  • of the zebra myspace purple

  • Tailpike1153
    Mar 8, 10:08 PM
    Yes, it's Apples highly erratic priorities that are puzzling.

    Their extreme hypocrisy and superiority complex that causes them to go into denial in so many cases.

    They stonewall and refuse to operate in a candid & open way with customers. Instead they practice silently hiding as many of their issues as possible.

    Apples one true area of brilliance is their masterful art of marketing. In the finest example of typical American deceptive advertising, Apple describes their products as "magical & revolutionary".

    What a crock.

    They can't or won't even build a cool running MBP, after years on the market.


    I won't get into a furball over your post. Which large tech company operates in a candid & open way with customers?

    backgrounds images for myspace. Myspace Backgrounds,
  • Myspace Backgrounds,

  • MathiasMag
    Jul 21, 11:56 AM
    The slow pace of messages here shows that this has gone from being important to the masses and the trolls to now be a small problem. Previous threads (those from before the videos and pressconference) added three pages in the time it took to read one, there was just no way to keep up with them. This has still not gotten much over 50.

    It is interesting, but few considers the new iPhone to be broken anymore. No matter what you think of how Jobs handled it, he completely defused a situation that was becoming very hostile. I'm sure this will be taught and dissected at universities for years just as Intels poor handling of PR with the "faulty" processors is taught as the difference between dealing with companies and customers. This was a lesson for all and many key bloggers have already written pieces of how he changed the usual dynamics of apologizing for any perceived issue.

    backgrounds images for myspace. car ackgrounds myspace,
  • car ackgrounds myspace,

  • spillproof
    Oct 6, 12:29 PM
    Getting back to the actual advertisement. What self-respecting advertising professional would use someone else's tagline like that.

    I had a few friends watching the football game (where we saw the ad) and half of them thought it was an iphone commercial because they were only half paying attention and heard "there's a map for that".

    Pretty shoddy work in my opinion.

    I disagree. It is a satirical and pokes fun of AT&T and Apple while giving facts. It gets you to think, which is the goal of an advertisement.

    I like this commercial and hope it makes AT&T a little more scared that they are failing. (Or I could be bias for my love of satires and dislike for AT&T :cool:)

    I think first Verizon has to back a truck full of money up to Apple's campus, then Apple has to build a CDMA iPhone :D

    Just one?

    backgrounds images for myspace. COOL BLUE BACKGROUNDS - 406792

  • samcraig
    May 2, 12:21 PM
    And yeah Google does record but they at least give you the option to turn it off

    This is the point. It doesn't matter which side of the coin you're on regarding privacy. Off means off. On means on.

    And if this were RIM, MS, Google or anyone else that had an important feature crippled due to QA, no doubt the ones claiming Apple's innocence here (and decrying everyone else has conspiracy theories) would be the ones laughing at, making theories, getting outraged, etc.

    It's not a question of giving Apple a free pass. EVERY company should be liable. And consumers have every right to raise questions.

    My goodness - there are threads on this board from people who cry about a one pixel shift in a graphic. Or that their app icon is blurry.

    Here's a real issue. An important issue. And some people want to just wipe it under the carpet as a "non issue"

    backgrounds images for myspace. billabong myspace backgrounds
  • billabong myspace backgrounds

  • gugy
    Oct 17, 05:27 PM
    this whole war just upsets me.
    I would love to have a disc that I could back up 100gig of data at a reasonable price ($10/$15 disc) and not to worry about which to choose. Blu-ray or HD-DVD.
    Meanwhile I'll keep buying my 300gb drives at Fry's for less than $80 and use it for back-up and storage.
    I hope the hybrid players and hopefully recorders will stop this crap.

    backgrounds images for myspace. Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics
  • Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics

  • AidenShaw
    Nov 16, 10:34 PM
    Capacitator? That must be some fancy new kind of capacitor... sweet!

    It's the Brit pronunciation - like that extra syllable that they throw into aluminum...

    backgrounds images for myspace. Backgrounds · Myspace Proxies
  • Backgrounds · Myspace Proxies

  • balamw
    Apr 27, 05:32 PM
    One favor, I'm not answering more quiz questions, I get your point.. I still need to learn more fundamentals.. I get it, just please contribute with the thread to find solutions or not.. (there are many Professional Forums).

    You clearly have not read the two articles I linked back in post #20 http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12467980&postcount=20.

    You don't "get it".

    The "quiz questions" are necessary because we don't know what it is you know or think you know. We can't read your mind. This is how information is exchanged and we can come to the appropriate level or explanation to be able to help you. It can also help you find the answer yourself by talking through it.

    Helping you help yourself is the best way we know how to contribute to the thread.

    We've all been there, even the hard-core pros. Sometimes you just can't see the answer that is right in front of your eyes until you try explaining it so someone else.

    Please answer this question which I posed earlier in the thread. What books, sites, videos, etc... have you been using to get you to this point and what additional resources are you looking to delve into next.

    Given the things it is clear you don't understand, picking the right resources to use to learn the fundamentals you are missing is quite important.

    EDIT: Finally, just a comment, PhoneyDeveloper pointed out that you had a parallel thread on the Apple Discussion forums. JMHO, but that's poor netiquette and is a waste of both your time and ours. At least link the two conversations, so folks don't end up repeating what someone else said on the other forum. Even just to say "someone over at the Apple Discussion Fourms (link) suggested ..."


    backgrounds images for myspace. Multicolor Myspace Background
  • Multicolor Myspace Background

  • Calidude
    Apr 16, 04:53 PM

    affront |əˈfrənt|
    an action or remark that causes outrage or offense
    Yikes, another one that doesn't understand the meaning of the word.

    backgrounds images for myspace. /myspace/ackgrounds
  • /myspace/ackgrounds

  • citizenzen
    Apr 22, 10:00 AM
    ... teach our kids why rome fell ...

    You mean because they passed laws against homosexuality?

    While I find that a little simplistic, if you really want to run with that theory that's your choice.

    Homosexuality in ancient Rome (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_ancient_Rome)

    Homosexuality in ancient Rome features dispassionately in many literary works, poems, graffiti and in comments, for example, on the sexual predilections of single emperors: Edward Gibbon famously observed that "of the first fifteen emperors Claudius was the only one whose taste in love was entirely correct". Surviving graphic representations are, on the other hand, rarer in ancient Rome than in classical Greece. Attitudes toward homosexuality changed over time ranging from the matter-of-fact acceptance of Republican Rome and the pagan Empire to rising condemnation, exampled by the Athenian Sextus Empiricus, who asserted that άρρενομιζία was outlawed in Rome— and in Athens, too!— and Cyprian.

    The term homosexuality is anachronistic for the ancient world, since there is no single word in either Latin or ancient Greek with the same meaning as the modern concept of homosexuality, nor was there any sense that a man was defined by his gender choices in love-making; "in the ancient world so few people cared to categorize their contemporaries on the basis of the gender to which they were erotically attracted that no dichotomy to express this distinction was in common use", James Boswell has noted.


    Later Empire

    The rise of statutes legislating against homosexuality begins during the social crisis of the 3rd century, when a series of laws were promulgated regulating various aspects of homosexual relations, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriages. By the sixth century homosexual relations were expressly prohibited for the first time, as Procopius notes.

    On a related note, a search of the string "homo" in the article The Decline of Rome (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_rome) comes up with zero results.

    You gotta do better than that bassfingers. :rolleyes:

    backgrounds images for myspace. Halloween Myspace Backgrounds
  • Halloween Myspace Backgrounds

  • CQd44
    May 2, 10:33 AM
    I find it amusing that the G1 can run Android Gingerbread fairly well, but Apple makes it impossible to upgrade the original iPhone to the latest and greatest iOS.

    backgrounds images for myspace. ackgrounds, myspace
  • ackgrounds, myspace

  • arkmannj
    Apr 29, 02:17 PM
    Now that OS X Server is bundled with the Client version, does this mean we should see a price drop on the Mac Mini server edition?

    Or maybe just better hardware specs to compensate for the cost difference?

    Or maybe there won't be a server version, you just have one Mac Mini, pick your options, and when you receive it, then you enable the server features you want...

    Apr 25, 02:17 PM
    Screen is clearly faked one way or another.

    The Internet is an easy mark.

    Well then you'll be able to provide specific points as to why it's faked then, no?

    Nov 25, 07:02 PM
    Mighty Mouse has shipped. Woohoo! Told me it would be 2 weeks!

    I noticed that given my two order numbers are about 20000 apart and the orders are 4 hours apart, they were doing 5000 sales an hour from apple.ca yesterday?

    Anyone know if that is alot?

    Oct 29, 01:08 AM
    Say good bye to programs like InsomniaX/Sleepless and other hacks.

    I mention the two first apps because they were relying on the 10.4.8 source code to see what has broken the software from 10.4.7

    Apr 9, 07:04 PM
    typophone 4 and typophone weather
    It works well with the current jb 4.3.1 since there is little black bar that shows up on lockscreen wallpapers that are not plain black.

    how do you change the weather location .. ive looked everywhere ..
    when i click on the actual weather on the lockscreen all i have is maryland and greece ?

    Sep 8, 08:32 AM
    That term should be reserved for one person and one person only:


    Why should I change? He's the one who sucks.




    wait, your name is michael bolton?

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