Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

two people holding hands cartoon

two people holding hands cartoon. people holding hands cartoon.
  • people holding hands cartoon.

  • jaw04005
    Apr 9, 01:16 PM
    Ahh, I didn't realize it was intended that long ago. Now that it is an open standard, though, Adobe shouldn't really have much say in it now, right?

    As we've all read a lot about recently, open standard is not open source. I'm sure Adobe and Microsoft have an arrangement.

    two people holding hands cartoon. Kids Holding Hands 5 Vector
  • Kids Holding Hands 5 Vector

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 18, 04:23 AM
    Thanks for the responses guys, pretty much reinforces what I originally thought. Somebody actually owned themself yesterday, he kept going on about how Android phones get apps for free. " I got angry birds for free but you paid for it", when I asked him to show me Angry Birds running on his HTC it was running at around 2FPS, the lag made my eyes bleed. Lol It all turned very silent after that.

    two people holding hands cartoon. Tags: holding hands
  • Tags: holding hands

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 23, 05:34 PM
    Microsoft is planning to release an App Store for Windows.

    Oh yay! Another app-store rip off years after the OSX one has debuted.

    two people holding hands cartoon. people holding hands cartoon.
  • people holding hands cartoon.

  • unce
    Jul 21, 09:29 AM
    Starting to get annoyed by Apple...who cares if other brands have a similar issue. The issue is with the iPhone4, which is their product, and should be taking responsibility for. This is such a childish thing to do. I really thought Apple would be better than this.


    two people holding hands cartoon. Two+people+holding+hands+
  • Two+people+holding+hands+

  • Eolian
    Mar 24, 06:24 PM
    One of my favorite old Zepplin tunes :) I think I've kept all my install CDs from 10.1 on; wow, time has been marchin' along :D

    Good on ya Apple :apple:

    two people holding hands cartoon. Two cartoon people were stick
  • Two cartoon people were stick

  • lbartley
    Apr 4, 02:27 PM
    it seem's like you are getting the run around from MS cause they want you to buy another 360 to make them more money. this looks bad on MS part in not doing anything in helping to track down the stolen 360. i thought that is why the unique ID was given to each system just for that case. and the fact they are using the live account, they can also be buying games with it which is like stealing your credit card.

    That's a horribly selfish view of the situation. Would you really want MS to give out personally identifiable information about a customer to any Joe Crazyface that calls in?

    You need to look at this from their perspective as well. I'm sure the prospect of $50 profit is pretty minor when weighed against the idea of giving personal information on a customer to some guy who just called in. Even if they wanted to, you're not going to get it from the standard customer service department, especially not after their recent "hacking".

    two people holding hands cartoon. people holding hands cartoon.
  • people holding hands cartoon.

  • 7o7munoz7o7
    May 3, 02:11 PM
    And why is this on mac rumors.

    Does it really matter what the competition does.

    why are you on macrumors.....you have something to do with Android to....practice what you...ah you know the rest

    two people holding hands cartoon. with hearts holding hands
  • with hearts holding hands

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 17, 09:11 PM
    I have one word for you Lossless.

    Yeah, already work that way... I already have all my audio collection on a centralized music server. I wouldn't mind an iPod for what it is, but I'm also not the kind of guy that enjoys listening to music through cheesy little earbuds. I can do larger DJ-style headphones in a pinch, but I prefer to listen to my music loud on a good sound system where I can feel it. And if anyone else there doesn't like it, they can just leave. :D

    However, I'd like to get back into developing games for a commercial platform and I'd be all over the iPod if Apple would open up an SDK.

    two people holding hands cartoon. 3d Paper People Holding Hands
  • 3d Paper People Holding Hands

  • zedsdead
    Apr 29, 03:51 PM
    Bummer, I really liked the iOS-style scrollbars. My favorite thing about Lion is the inverted scrolling. It feels more natural on a touchpad once you get used to it.

    I agree. I am using scroll reverser on Snow Leopard right now and enjoy it a lot. After about a day or two it becomes more natural.

    two people holding hands cartoon. holding hands collage
  • holding hands collage

  • SeaFox
    Oct 28, 11:10 PM

    Apple made a big mistake not licensing Mac OS 22 years ago allowing clones. Otherwise Mac OS X would be now the mainstream operating system.

    Now history repeats. Apple has now the oppotunity to take over and beat Windows. But for that it is absolutely essential to allow Mac OS X to run on ANY PC out there.

    Why does Apple make the same mistake?

    I was going to write a replay to this. But John Gruber has done one already (http://daringfireball.net/2004/08/parlay).

    But I will say. HELLO? WHERE WERE YOU IN 1997? Apple did license the MacOS. And it almost put them out of business.

    Repeat after me:

    Apple is a hardware company.
    Apple is a hardware company.

    If they didn't sell Macintoshes and iPods they would be out of business.
    If they didn't sell Macintoshes and iPods they would be out of business.

    The software is what makes the hardware valuable.
    The software is what makes the hardware valuable.

    The software is easy to use and works well.
    The software is easy to use and works well.

    If the software worked on any hardware, it would not be so easy to use.
    If the software worked on any hardware, it would not be so easy to use.

    It would also not work so well.
    It would also not work so well.

    two people holding hands cartoon. Two+people+holding+hands+
  • Two+people+holding+hands+

  • Aeolius
    Oct 4, 06:43 AM
    This is America. If the man wants a small house, let him have a small house (The blueprints are for a house smaller than mine, so I call it "small"). If he wanted to live in the back of an El Camino, that's his right also.

    Personally, I like old houses and hate the look of modern homes, but that's just me. I also live in what would be considered a larger home, as I have 8 kids and need some space. But I also have a few acres, so the house isn't stuck right next to my neighbors.

    However, I did not build my house to compete with or impress the neighbors. Neither did Steve.

    two people holding hands cartoon. people+holding+hands+in+a+
  • people+holding+hands+in+a+

  • saunders45
    Sep 8, 09:48 AM
    Um, am I missing something here?

    That is a completely different song??? And I don't understand what you're trying to say.

    The way Kathie Lee needed Regis that's the way yall need Jesus
    So here go my single dog radio needs this
    They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus
    That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes
    But if I talk about God my record won't get played Huh?
    Well let this take away from my spins
    Which will probably take away from my ends
    Then I hope this take away from my sins

    He's saying bla bla bla, God help me in one song, then cursing and using the overly said "n" word. It sounds like he's sending 2 different messages.

    two people holding hands cartoon. to draw people holding Man
  • to draw people holding Man

  • KingYaba
    Apr 22, 05:03 PM
    I had suggested to one of your moderators that MR should disable the tagging feature in the PRSI. I think you should disable this up/down voting thing as well.

    two people holding hands cartoon. people holding hands in love
  • people holding hands in love

  • thejadedmonkey
    Jan 10, 06:59 PM
    who would have complained if it was microsofts demo pcs that got hacked because of some security vounerability?

    The same people who are complaining now, if it was by a known hacker who supposedly worked for the good of everything.

    two people holding hands cartoon. +holding+hands+cartoon
  • +holding+hands+cartoon

  • djransom
    Mar 17, 12:24 PM
    With my flame suit on, i say this...

    I might have done the same thing as the OP.

    Regarding the kid, well, its probably a part time job for him. Furthermore, how much can BestBuy possibly be paying him? He could probably earn more if he worked else where. :)

    Truth be told alot of people in this thread would've. People are quick to say what they will and won't do AFTER the situation, but had the opportunity presented not many would've passed on it.

    two people holding hands cartoon. Lovers+holding+hands
  • Lovers+holding+hands

  • Jaro65
    Mar 25, 08:25 AM
    Happy Birthday, OS X! Curious where we'll be when celebrating tenth birthday of iOS.

    two people holding hands cartoon. Holding Hands middot; Cartoon
  • Holding Hands middot; Cartoon

  • mandis
    Aug 7, 07:29 PM
    Woooohoooo! Now the 20" ACDs go for around �410.00 (with edu discount)!! ;)

    I'm buying two in September!! :D

    two people holding hands cartoon. people holding hands
  • people holding hands

  • Megakazbek
    May 4, 09:36 AM
    for drawing during class, maybe. there is a lot of stuff in chemistry or physics where you need to make a quick drawing. but for writing? i am typing way faster than i am writing with a pen. and in the end its way more readable. :D
    This is how my typical lectures look like and I don't really see how do you even try to approach typing something like this on a keyboard in real time:
    Actually, having stylus isn't really that important for taking lecture notes as usually they are available as pdfs anyway, but I don't see how you can do without a pen when solving math/physics problems.

    if you really need a stylus there are already lots of options you can buy and use em with your ipad.
    ALL of them have tips of enormous diameter. I've tried some of them, and you really can't write in small handwriting, your letters have to be big and in many cases you can't even fit some equations in one line. Those styluses are not a good solution.

    two people holding hands cartoon. people holding hands cartoon.
  • people holding hands cartoon.

  • JML42691
    Apr 23, 07:34 PM
    If I'm honest I don't really like it, it's an interesting idea certainly but as long as downvoted posts aren't hidden or collapsed eventually once they reach a certain amount of downvotes I think it will be okay, because it won't change the way threads are displayed or how/if people speak their mind.
    Very much agreed.

    And not sure if it has been suggested/discussed yet, but I think a "+" should be included for the positively rated posts as well, not really sure why but I think it would look nicer and more balanced.

    This setup on a post by post basis works really well, much better than an overall reputation system like other forums use where one bad post/thread can kill your reputation.

    Sep 12, 08:16 AM
    Good catch, but someone found that yesterday or last night also. Apple must be getting SO much traffic right now...:p

    No, probably the same as usual with the only extra being from us bozo's :D :D

    Mar 25, 12:07 AM
    Happy Birthday Mac OS X!! But OMG I am so terrified because I have been so slow compared to all of you. This summer I'll be getting my first Mac machine (a 2011 iMac 27" Quad Core) in my house since Apple IIe.

    So Mac OS X Lion will take my virginity!! The reason I'm so terrified is because I'm not switching from Windows 7 or Windows Vista but from Windows XP! yes this Dell is from 2005!! So it'll probably be a great task playing catch up! HELP!!

    Apr 2, 11:48 AM
    Is Windows 8 then Windows 7.0, like Windows Seven is actually Windows 6.1?

    Apr 9, 07:26 AM
    I'm sure I'm going to get flamed, but to be honest, I'm more excited about what win8 will have to offer then 10.7.

    The reason is Microsoft has been adding more features to windows, then apple has to OSX.

    Given the anemic features that 10.7, windows 8 could be the version that I see using more then OSX. I'm splitting my time 50/50 right now.

    Oct 4, 04:29 AM

    The people I have spoken to who use PC's are not nerds or power users, however, they do have monitors that work perfectly fine and want to use them. Why would someone purchase a 20" iMac when they already have sitting on their desk a 12 month old 19" LCD? They may not all need expandability (or really understand what that means) but they are of the mind set that they must have the option. These people are simply not considering Apple computers because of the lack of an upgradeable computer that is under $1500 (the mini is not easily upgradeable unless you happen to be one of those nerds you are refering to). The gap between the mini and the Mac Pro is enormous in both power and price yet there is nothing in the middle price/power range. Simply dismissing this catagory of people will not convince them to buy an iMac. Further, saying the operating system will convince them to switch is a moot point if they never buy the computer in the first place.

    My friends, family, and co-workers are all interested in this "OS X thing" but get turned off at the price of the Pro, the lack of power of the mini, and the all in one of the iMac. This is what I am seeing, and Apple is losing sales because of it.

    You said the exact reasons why I bought a new PC tower and not a Mac, although I wanted to get a Mac.

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