"Ranga-The Donga" is an Action packed Comedy (Tollywood) Telugu language movie, that is scheduled to release on October 2010. "Ranga-The Donga" is directed by Actor GV aka Sudhakar Naidu and produced by CR Manohar Naidu and GV himself under the joint banner of Golden Lions Films and God Father Films. Music of the film is composed by Chakri, camera by Purna Kandru, editing by Gauthamraju, while MA Azeem is the executive producer. Srikanth and Vimala Raman in the lead role. Ramya Krishnan, Bramanandam, M.S.Narayana, L.B.Sriram, Raghu Babu, Jayaprakash Reddy, Telangana Sakuntala, Jyothi (Item Song), Bhuvaneshwari (Item Song) and Taslima Sheikh (Item Song) are also in the film.
Srikanth playing the role of a thief, who steals anything except the lives of people. He burgles even the police officers' houses. According to Srikanth his role in this film is unique that has two dimensions. Recently, a hot item song / dance for the movie was shot involving Srikanth, Taslima Sheikh, Bhuvaneswari and Jyoti. Srikanth says that his dance moves in this song will be of different style.
Srikanth playing the role of a thief, who steals anything except the lives of people. He burgles even the police officers' houses. According to Srikanth his role in this film is unique that has two dimensions. Recently, a hot item song / dance for the movie was shot involving Srikanth, Taslima Sheikh, Bhuvaneswari and Jyoti. Srikanth says that his dance moves in this song will be of different style.
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