Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Garça branca

"Ardeidae é a família de aves ciconiformes que inclui os socós e as garças (da mesma origem incerta que o espanhol garza; possivelmente de uma forma pré-romana *karkia). Vivem aos bandos, freqüentam rios, lagoas, charcos, praias marítimas ou manguezais de pouca salinidade, e se alimentam principalmente de peixes, sapos e outros animais aquáticos. Algumas garças, como a vaqueira, se alimentam de insetos e não possuem relação com ambientes aquáticos."
Fonte: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ardeidae

Fonte: http://w3.impa.br/~luis/fotos/0709_passaros/garca-branca-grande_cabeca-JB-070916-P+T_12179a.jpg

Fonte: http://imagens.fotoseimagens.etc.br/garca_3279_1024x768.jpg

Fonte: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjuUv1aiOvwpJB57-7aaynVKNmH4sj5zD8Ah8Ady386Hnjz6dR6EtCmupdB-VA_kw0RTaM6lrdr2qDB0-fdPt5FsNr7adPbMb1ebvvbWxFtYH9l8OrptqtABaahMk0UiPAb0PpkqcbwVlw/s1600-r/garca06.jpg

Fonte: http://w3.impa.br/~luis/fotos/0808_passaros/garca-branca-grande_maquiada-JB-080817-O_00971a.jpg

Fonte: http://www.baixaki.com.br/usuarios/imagens/wpapers/482964-14108-1280.jpg

Fonte: http://www.institutoargonauta.org/fotos/Gar%C3%A7a6%281%29.jpg

Fonte: http://www.sescpantanal.com.br/imagens.downloads/s331ujtt_gar%C3%A7a-branca-peq-73324-72.jpg

Fonte: http://www.baixaki.com.br/imagens/wpapers/BXK20173_mini-elegancia-da-garca-laguna-sc800.jpg

Fonte: http://i.olhares.com/data/big/132/1323542.jpg

Veja o blog na íntegra em http://blogeverythingbestpics.blogspot.com

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Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Valentine's Day HD Backgrounds, Wallpapers

Happy Valentine's Day , Love, Butterflies, Red Hearts, Computer High Definition Desktop Wallpapers, Beautiful Clean Spring Backgrounds HD.

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Battlefield - Bad Company 2 HD Wallpapers

Battlefield - Bad Company 2 Game For PC, Xbox360, PS3, High Definition Desktop Backgrounds, FPS Gaming, EA Games And Dice, 1920x1200 Computer Widescreen Wallpapers HD.

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010


"A jiboia (Boa constrictor) é uma serpente que, que tem o tamanho quando adulto, de 2m a 4m, raramente chegando a este tamanho máximo. Existe no Brasil, onde é a segunda maior cobra (a maior é a sucuri). O seu habitat são as copas das árvores das florestas da América do Sul e da América Central. No Brasil, pode encontrar-se em diversos locais, como na Mata Atlântica, restingas, mangues, no Cerrado, na Caatinga e na Floresta Amazônica.

No Brasil existem duas subespécies: a Boa constrictor constrictor (Forcart, 1960) e a Boa constrictor amarali (Stull, 1932). A primeira é amarelada, de hábitos mais pacíficos e própria da região amazónica e do nordeste. A segunda, Jiboia amarali, pode ser encontrada mais ao sul e sudeste do país, sendo encontrada algumas vezes em regiões mais centrias do país.

É basicamente um animal com hábitos noturnos (o que é verificável por possuir olhos com pupila vertical), ainda que também tenha atividade diurna."

Fonte: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiboia-constritora

Fonte: http://www.animaisfotos.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/011.jpg

Fonte: http://fotos.sapo.pt/Pj9QdKGLAwRQFPclObvQ/

Fonte: http://i.olhares.com/data/big/71/713419.jpg

Fonte: http://www.edvaldosantos.com.br/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/filhote_jiboia.jpg

Fonte: http://i.olhares.com/data/big/270/2701250.jpg

Fonte: http://i.olhares.com/data/big/302/3022133.jpg

Fonte: http://bicharada.net/animais/fotos/1537.jpg

Veja o blog na íntegra em http://blogeverythingbestpics.blogspot.com

Veja também:

Cobra naja

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

Call Of Duty 6 - MW2 Special HD Wallpapers

Call Of Duty 6 - Modern Warfare 2 Special High Definition Desktop Backgrounds, Nr.1 FPS - First Person Shooter, Computer Gaming High Resolution Wallpapers 1600x900 HD.

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Pretty Things & Birthday Wishes

Heather and I leave in the morning for Seattle and I couldn't be more excited! I can't wait to see my girls and celebrate Jenny's birthday this weekend! Happy Birthday my Jenny-Boo, I love you!

source: ffffound

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Music Monday/Tuesday: Owl City

I know it's not Monday, but I was a little too busy yesterday to post. My Dad has shoulder surgery and then Mom was flying back from a conference in Arizona. Unfortunately, Mom missed her connecting flight in Salt Lake due to storms and got in two hours late. Dad has been having a rough time after surgery. He stayed the night in the hospital last night and it looks like he might be there again tonight. Heather and I brought Mom home to rest a bit. Hopefully once we go back he'll have gotten some rest too and be doing better.

Other than that, Heather and I are getting ready for our trip this weekend. We leave Thursday morning to Seattle. Then Friday morning we'll head up to Whistler. I'm so excited that all of the girls will be there. We're going to have a blast celebrating Jenny's 25th (and golden) birthday!

Now that I've rambled on, here's my Music Monday/Tuesday. Owl City's Fireflies, which I haven't been able to get out of my head all day.

Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

Windows 7 Red Edition High Definition Backgrounds

Windows 7 Red Edition - Clean Computer High Definition Wallpapers Pack, Bright Red Theme Windows Seven Desktop Backgrounds 1600x HD.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Chicken Salad with Lime Cilantro Vinaigrette

I found this recipe online and have adapted it a bit. I love how easy it is to make and how healthy and fresh it is. This recipe serves 4.

4 C. Shredded lettuce
4 Cooked chicken breasts, cut into 1" pieces
1 Tomato, diced
1 C. Corn (I used a can of mexicorn)
1 Can Black beans (rinsed and drained)
Sprinkle with shredded cheese and green onions
Chopped cilantro to garnish

I like to crunch tortilla chips on top.

Cilantro Lime Vinaigrette
1/3 C. Chicken broth
2 Tbsp Olive oil
2 tsp Honey mustard
1 tsp Lime zest
2 Tbsp Fresh lime juice
2 Tbsp Fresh cilantro leaves, finely chopped
Salt & pepper

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

5 Things I Love

1. TIGI Catwalk Root Boost: This adds texture and lift to my hair. I found it thanks to Promise. Love it!

2. Perfume: I seriously can't pick just one. When I worked at Victoria's Secret I became obsessed. These are my favorite's from VS: Supermodel, Very Sexy, More Pink Please (limited edition--LOVE it!), and Dream Angels: Heavenly.

3. Covergirl Lash Blast Luxe: Love this stuff, definitely makes my lashes long and bold....plus, it's in a pretty pink tube!

4. The Body Shop: I love their natural products and their mission.
"We believe their is only one way to beautiful, nature's way. We've believed this for years and still do. We constantly seek out wonderful natural ingredients from all four corners of the globe, and we bring you products bursting with effectiveness to enhance your natural beauty. While we're doing this we always strive to protect this beautiful planet and the people who depend on it. We don't do it this way because it's fashionable. We do it because, to us, it's the only way."

5. Clairol Natural Instincts: When I'm dying my hair myself, this is my favorite. I always get a good color. Right now I'm "golden mahogany" but since next week I'm going lighter to "spiced tea."

