sorry for the lack of posts. my life is ridiculous right now. my seattle girls fly in friday afternoon for the weekend. we're gonna do halloween hollywood style. so excited! then next thursday i fly up to seattle. i get to meet baby adam, who's 6 weeks old today! and (hopefully) i'll get to see my friend daniel who got back in august from two years in the peace corps in jordan. three weeks from friday or saturday heather and i will be moving home to idaho. so add packing and homework in the mix. i've been trying to get ahead on homework for next week, but i'm kind of going crazy. i shouldn't put so much pressure on myself, but i really want to enjoy this weekend and the next without worrying about homework. we'll see how it goes. well time to get back to homework, i need to get stuff done and get to bed early because i have a hair appointment in the morning! goodnight.

photo source: le fashion