Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

destroy rebuild until god shows

destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
  • Destroy Rebuild Until God

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Aug 7, 02:26 PM
    Sweet. $500 for the 20" with the edu discount??

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
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  • Eraserhead
    Mar 4, 05:47 PM
    It does not.

    To expand.

    According to:

    Only 18 teachers have been sacked in the UK for incompetence over the past 40 years. You could increase that figure by 500x or something and even at that level it would be extremely difficult for the unions to get public sympathy for teachers being treated badly. Given there are half a million teachers in the UK, even with 500x more of them being fired for incompetence that would still only be 225 a year or 0.05% of them a year.

    There is no way that the unions have that kind of power - I think its far more likely to be down to too much bureaucracy.

    Teachers on average make more than private sector employees. The average in Ohio is $50,314, source

    But you of course have to take education levels into account, so that isn't even true.

    The two economists work out the fraction of American workers� pay that cannot be explained by factors such as differences in education and experience. This �wage premium� reflects the extent to which workers have been able to extract more pay than is merited by their qualifications. Those who believe that America�s state workers are vastly overpaid will be surprised to learn that this premium is in fact higher in the private sector than in the public sector in many American states. But states where the opposite is true are ones like California, Florida and New York


    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
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  • ctdonath
    Oct 1, 04:12 PM
    But England moreso than other regions. The notion has been fully internalized by the population at large.
    You're just making history up. There is no allodial title to land in US law.
    So what's your theory about why the American Colonists got so uppity? Yes, we do not have formal allodial title, but cultural attitude is that we do (or at least a close proximity), and insofar as we don't it's more a matter of "protection money" than "belongs to the government". Tell an American his government "owns" his property and he'll laugh at you.
    There's enough space.
    Not within 20 miles of 1 Infinite Loop.

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
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  • Mackilroy
    Mar 21, 01:15 AM
    Wow � that's insane. Hope you find it, man.

    destroy rebuild until god shows. DESTROY REBUILD UNTIL GOD

  • SPEEDwithJJ
    Mar 17, 12:49 AM
    I am a reward zone member, the receipt said I paid $530.00 cash.

    Haha. Congrats then. :) It looks like you won the lottery at BestBuy! :D

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
  • Destroy Rebuild Until God

  • D1G1T4L
    Mar 17, 05:06 PM
    Love this forum for a good laugh. Obviously the OP was wrong with what he did but love laughing at all the holier than thou responses. :D

    destroy rebuild until god shows. “DESTROY REBUILD UNTIL GOD

  • RMo
    Apr 5, 08:43 PM
    they should allow users to like or dislike iAds to help cater the iAds that are sent to the user :cool:

    Read the description: "...lets you tag your favorites to a Loved section that�s all your own."

    You can't "dislike" them and it doesn't say what they're doing with the "loved" section other than saving it for your personal viewing pleasure, but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually catered to your preferences using something like this.

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
  • Destroy Rebuild Until God

  • cambookpro
    Apr 14, 08:11 AM
    2x 2011 MBPs:


    And, while I've just spent �4k on computers, surely another �500 can't hurt?


    Black 32GB with red smart cover :cool:

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
  • Destroy Rebuild Until God

  • steviem
    Apr 27, 07:15 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Really? That doesn't matter? Well then why don't we have men compete in all the women's events at the Olympics? Oh wait, it does matter

    I'm not defending the attackers. I think it was terrible. Horrifying video. It's hard to believe people are like this.

    I do think this whole "biology doesn't matter, it's how you feel in your heart" nonsense is obviously nonsense.

    He has every right to dress like a girl. I don't even mind if he uses a female bathoom. But those things don't make someone female. The characteristics that allow doctors to assign genders to new-borns do not change as people get older.

    Did you watch the video, the person is tiny and doesn't look physically able to stand up against the two girls.

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Ask. laminated e.t. animal
  • Ask. laminated e.t. animal

  • rhett7660
    Oct 10, 03:47 PM
    i say ban them from life

    nothin' but the chair for these practical jokers.

    I am really surprised someone didn't get hurt?... Could you imagine some of the pissed off people.

    I agree.

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
  • Destroy Rebuild Until God

  • pink-pony115
    Oct 3, 04:53 PM
    I wouldn't care to see more of iTv...but my cards are rested in Steve going in dept of the iTv :o

    I don't care about the iPhone or the "true" video ipod...they are just some old rumors.

    ....crafty though

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
  • Destroy Rebuild Until God

  • JRM PowerPod
    Sep 12, 07:53 AM
    10am San Francisco time. So 1pm East Coast, 6pm London, 3am Wednesday in Sydney.

    What do these clowns do to us aussies, 3am, so not fair, everytime

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
  • Destroy Rebuild Until God

  • mozmac
    Oct 19, 11:41 AM
    I've bought and sold quite a bit of AAPL over the years since, but always held onto my original stake. My cost basis is around $4 a share. Now I can't afford to sell it!

    I was 14 back in 1997 when AAPL was sitting around $12. I told my parents and my uncle to dump tons of money into it because it was going up. They didn't really listen to me. My parents did put a little in by buying two shares for each of us kids (6 in total) for Christmas. Since then they've split a few times and are now sitting at around $80. I'm loving it. I've bought more since, but like you, I'm still holding onto my original stake, which is at 6 shares now, thanks to splits.

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
  • Destroy Rebuild Until God

  • QuarterSwede
    Oct 12, 08:26 AM
    I'm not sure I understand the people who (a) don't believe this is coming soon, or (b) don't believe it's coming at all because "people won't use it - it's too small." That's garbage.

    Not everything Apple releases has to be an "earth shattering" revolution. Some stuff can just have a niche market and be better than what's out there. They're in it to make money first and foremost. And frankly, if people could carry an iPod-sized object, with wireless headphones, and that could play widescreen movies on a 4" or so screen (AND, oh by the way, carry their iTunes library to boot), it would be the death of the portable DVD player.

    No, that's not a huge market, or a cash cow by any means. Nor is it a revolutionary product. But at the end of the day, it's pretty damned cool which means most of us will buy it (despite our attempts not to), and it's certainly another cha-ching to add to the list for Apple.
    That's exactly what happened with the iPod. It was just another mp3 player but had an interface that was very simple to use, plus it looked much nicer than the competition.

    destroy rebuild until god shows. DESTROY REBUILD UNTIL GOD

  • gr8ful
    Jan 9, 10:52 AM
    My speculations from another thread:

    I see Macworld shaping up to be all about portability, accessibility, & expanded functionality. So I expect to see:

    - refresh of the mb pro laptops, possibly even a refresh of the macbooks
    - iPod touch with 32gb
    - the ultraportable announced and positioned in between the macbook and the mb pro
    - multi-touch tablet with a 7 inch screen, 32gb ssd, wifi and bt, isight camera
    - I believe Apple will wait till later in the year to announce the availability of a 3G iPhone which will come with 16gb

    - iTunes movie rentals and expanded selection for purchase
    - Ability to download movies, tv shows, podcasts, etc over wifi (iPhone, iPod touch, & tablet)

    Expanded functionality
    - iPhone/iPod touch update with all features that were leaked and few surprises like (ichat, copy & paste, finder w/coverflow, doc/e-book reader)
    - Full preview of the SDK for the iPhone, iPod touch & new tablet
    - Announcement of a number of third party apps for the iPhone & iPod touch available for download thru iTunes
    - Ability to use 'back to my mac' feature with iPhone, iPod touch, & new tablet

    Out-on-a-limb prediction: Announcement of iWork touch, a version of iWork for the iPhone, iPod touch, & new tablet with a reworked UI that works better with a touch interface.

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Rebuild Until God Shows by
  • Rebuild Until God Shows by

  • GGJstudios
    Apr 21, 12:08 PM
    So it's a like/dislike system that nets the like/dislikes to a numerical value, assuming the dislikes are negative. That is why when you change from a vote down to an up, you are removing your dislike and adding a like. Correct?

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
  • Destroy Rebuild Until God

  • clintob
    Oct 19, 10:06 AM
    I'm not entirely sure how I feel about Apple's market share increasing.

    On the one hand, it's great in that it sort of validates the fact that the machines are better, or at least "cooler" and more fun, than PCs. But on the other hand, it's just the nature of production that the more units you're responsible for creating, the more room there is for error, rush-jobs, and cutting corners.

    Apple is, I think everyone here agrees, far superior to PC manufacturers when it comes to quality control (the recent MB problems aside - I give a pass on that since it's really their first ever foray into the Intel-based notebook world which is a different animal altogether). Generally, Apple uses better, more reliable parts, a better overal setup and architecture, and the end result is a faster and more robust machine.

    If they can somehow keep those high standards while continuing to grow in the world market I'm all for it. If not, I'm fine with being in that 6-10% range and enjoying my superior machine.

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
  • Destroy Rebuild Until God

  • kernkraft
    Sep 30, 06:52 PM
    For philosophical context, consider:
    Apple does not have a "museum" of past products. Jobs considers any product which is no longer sold a failure (if it wasn't, they'd still be selling it) and not worthy of nostalgia.

    If nobody is going to buy the Jackling House and live in it, then 'tis time to discard it and move on to something which someone will buy/build and live in.

    That's just not human nature. I adore modern architecture and one of the main things I truly hate about the UK is the lack of quality architecture with sleek lines, simple structure, concrete, glass, quality materials, light spaces, decent ceiling heights and windows. The US is much better but still, there are so many backward-looking buildings. So in many respects, I should dislike a house that was built less than a hundred years ago to look like one built two hundred years ago.

    Still... Local people and conservation societies defended the building as a unique witness of the region's architectural development. It's not a particularly pretty building but it's certainly one with some history around it.

    But leaving the building to the elements with no maintenance is in my opinion wrong, immoral and a disregard of what property ownership should be about. My neighbours' house has an effect on mine and it's not just for myself why I keep our home well maintained and decent.

    If Jobs wanted a modern building - which by the way, I prefer to Jackling House - then he should have got his rich ass moved to another large plot and built his modern glassbox there, after he sold Jackling House to somebody who wanted to live in that and respect local conservationist's and planning authorities' wishes. But until the house got to a state of deep neglect, authorities maintained that they preferred if it was renovated and kept standing.

    In a way, it's like locking the door on your date and telling her "You don't have to sleep with me but you haven't got much of a choice". So yes, I actually see Jobs as a house-rapist.

    destroy rebuild until god shows. Destroy Rebuild Until God
  • Destroy Rebuild Until God

  • Ace134blue
    Mar 17, 11:16 PM
    Thats jealousy. If it were me, id just say "Bitch please" and walk away

    Aug 7, 07:24 PM
    I called my local Apple Store and the guy I talked to didn't even know that there were 'new' monitors. So I ordered mine online, pronto!

    Yeah, I'm paying cash so I'm calling my local Apple store tonight (Stoneridge Pleasanton) to see if they have the newer ones? I doubt it, they always lag on the new stuff. I've been holding off on buying now for a few weeks... Thank god!

    Sep 30, 05:20 AM
    This is just like a plan from a Frank Lloyd Wright 1950's house.

    He called it the "Inline Plan"

    A long house feels bigger than a square shaped house.
    Even with the same floor area.

    May 4, 04:26 AM
    yes, that would make it more expensive. in fact, what we're essentially talking about here is nothing more than a 'slate' tablet PC, which has been around forever. they're making a comeback thanks to the ipad, and i hope they will become the standard, for the higher end tablets anyways. they are more expensive than ipads, but they're actual computers that run full operating systems. they have touch and they have pen input.

    that's a direction Apple should have gone in a long time ago. i hope, hope, hope they will go there in the future.

    They've been around for a long time, and noone has bought them. And for good reason: they're awful. They try to do two things (touch and full OS), and the result is that they don't do either well (and that's being generous). And they're not making a comeback in any way. Companies that have traditionally made slates are ditching them for iPad-esque tablets.

    May 4, 07:12 PM
    Looks like Roambi??
    Second guess is MicroStrategy
    Could very well be, but I haven't seen that particular coolness demoed anywhere. Maybe an upcoming version of one of those, or some other business data visualizer?

    Apr 15, 06:13 PM
    I love Apple but these are bad news.
    The more competition there is the better products get for the end user! :mad:

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