Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

busy girl

sorry for the lack of posts. my life is ridiculous right now. my seattle girls fly in friday afternoon for the weekend. we're gonna do halloween hollywood style. so excited! then next thursday i fly up to seattle. i get to meet baby adam, who's 6 weeks old today! and (hopefully) i'll get to see my friend daniel who got back in august from two years in the peace corps in jordan. three weeks from friday or saturday heather and i will be moving home to idaho. so add packing and homework in the mix. i've been trying to get ahead on homework for next week, but i'm kind of going crazy. i shouldn't put so much pressure on myself, but i really want to enjoy this weekend and the next without worrying about homework. we'll see how it goes. well time to get back to homework, i need to get stuff done and get to bed early because i have a hair appointment in the morning! goodnight.

photo source: le fashion


A plântula é a condição do embrião vegetal após a germinação. Geralmente é formado por uma ou duas folhas que podem ser bem diferentes das outras folhas. É a plantinha baby que acabou de nascer.

Fonte: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/30/Cycas_revoluta_seedling.jpg

Fonte: http://www.srgc.org.uk/bulblog/log2008/200808/Cyclamen%20seedling%20leaves.jpg

Fonte: http://www.stewardwood.org/photos/128-Marshmallow-seedling.JPG

Fonte: http://www.mandalaseeds.com/assets/images/Seedling-iii.jpg

Fonte: http://www.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/image/0006/80943/Sida_rhombifolia_seedling_620.JPG

Fonte: http://anti-matter-3d.com/Stapeliads/hi/Hoodia_pilifera_annulata_seedling.jpg

Fonte: http://cityexile.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/tomato_seedling1.jpg

Fonte: http://www.mandalaseeds.com/assets/images/Seedling-i.jpg

Veja o blog na íntegra em http://blogeverythingbestpics.blogspot.com

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Plantas carnívoras

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009


Wondering if it'll feel like fall here soon, or if I'm just going to have to wait till I move to Idaho in 3 1/2 weeks for winter.

photo source: ffffound

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Music Monday: Duffy

I've been searching forever for a video that's not disabled by the user. Here's Duffy's music video for Mercy.

We Are Wild Things

I finally got these posted on here. Sorry it took so long. I still haven't seen the movie because I've been too busy. Hoping I get around to it soon!

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Fashion Love

I'm not sure about the bottom three pictures, but the top ones are some of the Balmain Fall '09 collection. Love it.

photo source: lefashion

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009


"A falcoaria ou cetraria é a arte de criar, treinar e cuidar de falcões e outras aves rapaces para a caça. Em geral pode-se dizer que é uma caça de aves e pequenos quadrúpedes, praticada desde a Idade Média com falcões, açores, francelhos e outros rapaces, que têm a capacidade de perseguir uma presa no ar ou no solo até derrubá-la ou matá-la.

Os vestígios e documentos sobre a falcoaria mostram que se tratava de um esporte aristocrático, do qual participavam reis e outros membros poderosos das cortes.

Fonte: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falcoaria

Fonte: http://samjphoto.com/falconry/falcon1.jpg

Fonte: http://www.falconry-adventures.com/lineofhawks.jpg

Fonte: http://www.wulflund.com/images_items/falconry-hood-xxix_2.jpg

Fonte: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Parabuteo_unicinctus_falconry.jpg

Fonte: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/Falconry_Dubai.jpg

Fonte: http://www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk/gallery/files/6/8/5/falconry_merlin2.jpg

Fonte: http://www.wulflund.com/images_items/falconry-hood-xxviii_2.jpg

Fonte: http://www.suppleweb.co.uk/_images/_photogallery/Falconry.jpg

Veja o blog na íntegra em http://blogeverythingbestpics.blogspot.com

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Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

5 Things I Love When I'm Sick

I know I haven't posted much lately, but like I said before I've been sick for the past week. I thought my 5 things I love for this week should be a sick version.

1. House, M.D.: When I'm sick I spend most of my time on the couch. I love having something to watch while I feel miserable. House is always a great show to watch, just a little ironic to watch when you're sick. Ha. Also, I think I have a crush on him.

2. Pike Place Market Spice Tea: Not only does it remind me of Seattle, but the hot tea tastes great and is perfect to drink when you have a sore throat!

3. Vicks Vaporub: My dad is OBSESSED with Vicks. Anytime Heather or I would get sick he would insist on smothering us with Vicks and would always try to put it on our noses (ouch!). When looking for a picture I found out that besides just putting it on your chest for a cough, you can rub it on your feet too! Weirdo. I'm gonna warm up some socks in the dryer before bed and try it!

4. Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal: There's just something comforting about a nice bowl of hot oatmeal. When I'm sick I don't really want to eat anything, but this is usually perfect!

5. Victoria's Secret PINK pj's: There's nothing like a comfy pair of pj's when you're feeling sick. I have way too many VS PINK sweats, but I just love them so much! Super cute and cozy!

